# Read File with Data Points # Data obtained from National Snow & Ice Data Center # -------------------------------------------------- rm(list=ls()) filename <- "sea-ice.txt" tt <- read.table(file=filename,header=TRUE) tt x <- tt$Year y <- tt$Ice x2 <- x^2 # Polynomial Regression f1 <- lm(formula = y ~ x + x2) summary(f1) anova(f1) xarr <- seq(from=min(x),to=max(x),by=0.05) beta0 <- f1$coefficients[1] beta1 <- f1$coefficients[2] beta2 <- f1$coefficients[3] yarr <- beta0 + beta1*xarr + beta2 *xarr^2 # Make the plots outfile <- "sea-ice.pdf" pdf(file=outfile) plot(x,y,main="Extent Artic Sea Ice in month of September") lines(xarr,yarr,lty=3,col="red",lwd=2) dev.off()