"Investigations of Metallated Amino Acid Complexes, Protonated Biomolecules, Hydrated
Alkaline Earth and Transition Metal Complexes, and Chemi-Ionization Reactions of Actinides
and Lanthanides", Peter B. Armentrout, Chemistry
"ADAR antagonism of endo-RNAi gene regulation in C. elegans development", Brenda Bass, Biochemistry
"Development of chemical bonding models for sub-nanoparticles for the rational design
of nanocatalysts, nanomaterials with tailored properties, and nano-scale electronic
devices", Alexander Boldyrev, Chemistry, Utah State University
"Atmospheric Modeling Related to Utah Air Quality", John Horel, Atmospheric Sciences
"Advancing the integration of Geophysical and Reservoir Simulation tools to Monitor
CO2 movement and storage permanence", Trevor P. Irons, Civil & Environmental Engineering
"Modeling Perceptual Performance with a Computational Model of the Auditory System", Skyler G. Jennings, Communication Sciences & Disorders
"Monte-Carlo Simulation of water diffusion in white-matter", Eun-kee Jeong, Radiology
"Continued Studies of Radiation Transport in Magnetic Fields, Medical Applications,
Advanced Nuclear Reactor Modeling, and Radiation Shielding in Spacecraft", Tatjanta Jevremovic, Civil & Environmental Engineering
"Fate and Transport of Colloids (biological and non-biological) and Nanoparticles
in Porous Media and Flat Collectors: Reading Real Surfaces via Nanoscale Surface Charge
Heterogeneity and Surface Roughness and extending retention from the pore scale t", William P. Johnson, Geology & Geophysics
"Genomic signatures of social evolution in bees", Karen Kapheim, Biology, Utah State University
"Investigation of Somatic Mosaicism in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Patients Through
Full Genome Sequencing", Gabrielle Kardon, Human Genetics
"Computational Screening of Novel Water Oxidation Catalysts", Matthew Kieber-Emmons, Chemistry
"Simulating Convective Cold Pools", Steven K. Krueger, Atmospheric Sciences
"Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Erosion Control Structures", Joe Koebbe, Mathematics & Statistics
"Dimensions: Coexistence, herbivore host choice, and plant-herbivore evolution in
the recently radiated and speciose Neotropical tree genus, Inga", Thomas Kursar, Biology
"Racial-dependent epigenetic regulation of alternative splicing across divers tumors", Younghee Lee, Biomedical Informatics
"Formation of Dirac and Topological States on Semiconductor Surface and Strain Engineering", Feng Liu, Materials Science & Engineering
"Collaborative Research: Retention of Anisotropic Colloids in Porous Media: A Modeling
and Experimental Investigation at Multiple Scales", Huilian Ma, Geology & Geophysics
"SWP Carbon Sequestration", Brian James McPherson, Civil & Environmental Engineering
"Molecular modelling of water and surfactant structure in non-sulfide mineral systems", Jan D. Miller, Metallurgical Engineering
"Magnetization of Organic-based Materials under Pressure", Joel S. Miller, Chemistry
"Microscopic mechanisms of phase transitions, molecular organization and transport
in materials", Valeria Molinero, Chemistry
"Computational models of vessel loading in traumatic brain injury", Ken Monson, Mechanical Engineering
"Self-centering buckling restrained braces for curved bridges", Chris Pantelides, Civil & Enviornmental Engineering
"Numerical Simulation of Mid-Infrared Light Manipulation Using Photonic Crystals and
Nanoantenna Structures", Keunhan Park, Mechanical Engineering
"Air Quality: Effects on Inflammatory Bowel and Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases", Kevin D. Perry, Atmospheric Sciences
"Development of an interpolated air pollution data set to asses acute impacts on gastrointestinal
disease in Utah", Kevin D. Perry, Atmospheric Sciences
"Metagenome analysis of marine invertebrates", Eric Schmidt, Medicinal Chemistry
"Structure and Function of the Ribosome Quality Control Complex", Peter S. Shen, Biochemistry
"1. Probing the Regio- and Enantio-selectivity of Redox-Relay Heck Arylations of Alkenyl
Alcohols. 2. Generating Steric and Electronic Parameters for the Multivariate Prediction
of Reaction Selectivites", Matthew Sigman, Chemistry
"FDTD Modeling from Near-DC to Light", Jamesina Simpson, Electrical & Computer Engineering
"Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of a Novel Flash Ironmaking Technology", Hong Yong Sohn, Metallurgical Engineering
"Telescope Array Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Simulation Reconstruction and Composition", Pierre Sokolsky, Physics & Astronomy
"Simulating Microstructure-Sensitive Deformation and Cracking in Aluminum Alloys using
Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Modeling", Ashley Spear, Mechanical Engineering
"Emissive Supramolecular Assemblies", Peter Stang, Chemistry
"Quantum Chemistry for Molecular Motion", Ryan P Steele, Chemistry
"Numerical Simulation of Mountain- and Lake-Driven Wind and Precipitation Systems", Jim Steenburgh, Atmospheric Sciences
" Using Outcrop Characterization to Assess Architectural Controls on Reservoir Flow
Performance", Lisa Stright, Geology & Geophysics
"Large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer", James R (Rob) Stoll, Mechanical Engineering
"USAID advanced computational study of water in Pakistan", Courtenay Strong, Atmospheric Sciences
"Multi-scale modeling of transport phenomena and grain growth in laser-based additive
manufacturing processes", Wenda Tan, Mechanical Engineering
"General Waveform Modeling of Earth Structure", Michael Thorne, Geology & Geophysics
"Computational Design a New Class of Organic Semiconductor Materials", Thanh N. Truong, Chemistry
"Barrales dissertation: Goodwin-Kalecki cycles", Rudiger Von Arnim, Economics
"Population Genomics of wild plant species (continued)", Paul Wolf, Biology
"Modeling and inversion of geophysical potential fields", Michael Zhdanov, Geology & Geophysics